
By Diane Marie Williams and Nina Meyerhof

Currently about 2 million refugees have fled from Ukraine to Poland to seek safety. Several members of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle formed “Team Hope” to offer their support. Nina Meyerhof and Domen Kocevar, co-founders of One Humanity Institute, and Diane Marie Williams, founder of the Source of Synergy Foundation, as well as friends Christine Burych, Angelika Kobl, representatives of local schools and the Rotary International, did direct service work on the ground at the border, registration centers, train stations and shelters focusing their attention on giving Teddy Bears and art supplies to children, setting up emotional first aid and beginning the outfitting a “House of Hope” that is part of One Humanity Institute in Oswiecim-Auschwitz, Poland for 20-40 refugees that will serve as a safe and nourishing place of hope that will meet their immediate needs for shelter and food, warmth, connection as well as serve as a social innovation co-learning space.
We are also suggesting to the government to take 12 barracks adjacent to Auschwitz that One Humanity Institute is hoping to acquire to house its future activity centers and create a City of Hope that could house 1,000 people during the crisis. The transformation of...

Since George Floyd was killed on May 25th there have been thousands of protests calling for change, as countless world citizens awaken more fully to the impact of centuries of systemic racism. The Source of Synergy Foundation is standing for racial equality and justice. We are listening, learning and taking actions in the way we conduct business and create our future.

Humanity is an interconnected whole and all of our diverse needs and hopes are intimately interwoven. Our species cannot thrive until together we build an equitable, just, free and loving world where we can all live our full potential. 

                                                                                   Image courtesy of The Patterson Foundation

dolphins jumping

The NOW (Nature of Wonders) Assembly was held in Delphi, Greece from October 10-14th and brought together over 100 scientists and social practitioners who have made their main occupation the study of the Universe.

The Source of Synergy Foundation and Findhorn Fellows partnered to convene an experiential Synergy Circle to deepen our ability to co-create with the intelligence of nature and other realms in service to the wholeness of life.

Twenty-seven people gathered at the historic Findhorn Eco-Village Community in northern Scotland from Oct. 15-19, including members of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, Source of Synergy Board and Advisory Board members, Findhorn Fellows, and other visionary colleagues (see participants below). The Findhorn Foundation is a dynamic experiment where everyday life is guided by the inner voice of spirit, where all work in co-creation with the intelligence of nature and take inspired action towards their vision of a better world. 

The Synergy Circle was transformative, helping us to learn about ourselves, nature and one another until there was only the One Life. It was an exploration that co-created a new organism in service to Earth and all of life. We basked in the special energies of the Findhorn community – with some who were there for the very first time and others who call it home.

Along the way, we discovered deeper principles of Synergy as well as methods of embodying the higher-order “superorganism” that arose from the group when we became coherent in the highly conscious field. We learned that we could partner with our co-creation and be guided by its wisdom long after the Synergy Circle concluded. We realized, as well,...

Evolutionary Leaders RoundtableDiane Williams was invited by Marcel Gasser to share about the work of the The Source of Synergy Foundation at the Aegina Entrepreneurs Retreat in Aegina, Greece from April 20-26, 2018, where she was joined by 15 socially conscious, heart-centered innovative entrepreneurs who are adding so much value to society by making it easy for people to do good every day. Through their creative imagination they are shaping the course of culture and consciousness and their choices are going forth out into the world creating waves positivity and hope. 
In Diane’s presentation she asked the group: How do we as conscious participants in the evolution of our world, best utilize our collective creative intelligence to move forward and usher in another great leap in consciousness on the planet?
She stated that in order usher in the next great evolutionary leap as humanity she believes that we need to more fully activate our multidimensional capacities, expand synergistic engagement and push the boundaries of our current perceptions of reality – of what we know and of what we can accomplish.
Nikola Tesla once said that, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
He believed that humanity would not make giant leaps forward until it studies “non-physical” phenomena – subjects such as telepathy,...

Iceberg   Diane in Greenland

How can we collaborate with Gaia, our precious Earth, to help heal what is out of balance in our inner and outer environment?

Diane Williams, Founder of The Source of Synergy Foundation, traveled to Greenland in July to research a journey project to bear witness to the rapid melting of the ice sheet there that could cause sea levels to raise substantially... and to inspire action in face of the changes that now and in the future will affect our earth and its inhabitants.

Diane met with Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq (Uncle), shaman and carrier of the Qilaut (winddrum), an Eskimo-Kalaallit Elder whose family belongs to the traditional healers of the Far North from Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland, as well as with others concerned with the rapid melting of the ice. Angaangaq says, "Only by melting the ice in the heart of Man, does Man have a chance to change and begin using his knowledge wisely.”

Uncle   Ice Sheet

SOSF is planning to take a group to Greenland in the near future. SOSF journeys allow people to see, feel and connect with what is happening, and thus be more passionate...

2009 Evolutionary Leaders Retreat Group Shot

The 2009 Evolutionary Leaders retreat was a great success. Forty cutting-edge visionaries gathered in Malibu, California, convened for the second time by the Source of Synergy Foundation, the Chopra Foundation and the Association for Global New Thought to see what insights, group intentions and projects might arise out of their desire to create a deeper impact on conscious evolution as a collective. Last year’s retreat had inspired those who gathered to collaborate on the Call To Conscious Evolution: Our Moment of Choice, which subsequently received more than 40,000 online signatures.

Deepak Chopra and Diane Williams, founder of the Source of Synergy Foundation, welcomed the Evolutionary Leaders (ELs), asking, "What's the unique contribution we offer as a collective?" Barbara Marx Hubbard said that our global crises were at a critical point, but that the emergence of the new consciousness had not quite caught up - which is why this is the exact time when the Evolutionary Leaders group is needed. Joan Borysenko spoke to the joy of coming together with the sense of not knowing where it would lead, an opportunity to "simply be present to the future."
The Evolutionary Leaders are currently developing numerous projects including a video, a book, ideas for a collective website and establishing a connection with the Obama administration. Sparked by the synergy that arose during the retreat, new projects emerged, such as mapping the movement of awakening consciousness and creating/encouraging conscious media. Debbie Ford suggested a large-scale event to be held in...